Grants and Funding Opportunities

Water and Wastewater Funds


USDA Rural Development

Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program in Texas-Applications are accepted year round. Contact local Rural Development Office to apply

         This program provides long term, low interest loans for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas-including areas and towns with populations of 10,000 or less. Eligible uses of funds include the acquisition, construction or improvement of: 

  • Drinking water sourcing, treatment, storage and distribution
  • Sewer collection, transmission, treatment and disposal
  • Solid waste collection, disposal and closure
  • Storm water collection, transmission and disposal 

Loan terms are up to 40 years with fixed interest rates. 

Click here to access website


  Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant-Applications are accepted year round. Contact local Rural Development Office to apply

This program helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Eligible entities include State and local governments and nonprofits serving areas with a population of 10,000 or less. Funds may be used for:

  • Water transmission line grants up to $150,000 to construct waterline extensions, repair breaks or leaks in existing water distribution lines, and address related maintenance necessary to replenish the water supply
  • Water source grants up to $1,000,000 are to construct a water source, intake or treatment facility

Grants may be applied for after a qualifying emergency event, though no Presidential Disaster Declaration is required. No match is required, but partnerships with Federal, State, local, and nonprofit entities are encouraged. 

            Click here to access website


Rural Decentralized Water Systems Grant Program-Applications Currently Closed

This program provides funds that can be used for a nonprofit to create a revolving loan fund for individuals who own and occupy a home in an eligible rural area. The fund may be used to construct, refurbish, or service individually-owned household water well and septic systems. Terms for the loans include 1% fixed interest rate, 20-year term, and $15,000 max loan per household. Eligible areas are those with less than 50,000 people, and eligible non-profits are those with experience promoting the productive use of household water wells. Minimum 10% match.

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Texas Water Development Board


Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds-Applications Year Round, Deadlines at the end of every March

Provides below market rate loans for wastewater or drinking water-related projects at interest rates lower than those offered by commercial markets. Projects include planning, acquisition, and construction of

  • Treatment facilities
  • Collection/distribution systems
  • Stormwater mitigation
  • Nonpoint source pollution control
  • Estuary management, or
  • Consolidation and source water protection.

The program also provides additional subsidies, in the form of principal forgiveness, for applicants meeting certain program criteria, such as disadvantaged communities or green infrastructure.

For the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund, $150 million is available for FY 2022. Click here to access website

For the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund, $250 million is available for FY 2022. Click here to access website


Agricultural Water Conservation Grants Program-Applications Currently Closed

This program offers up to $1.2 million grants to state agencies and political subdivisions for projects that:

Eligible projects include those that:

  • Improve irrigation efficiency through irrigation system improvements, such as the
    adoption of irrigation metering, irrigation scheduling practices, and irrigation district
  • Enhance resilience to weather extremes and climate variability
  • Promote innovation in agriculture by incorporating the latest water conservation
    technological advancements

Match is not required, but encouraged.

Click here to access website


Flood Infrastructure Fund-Currently Closed for Applications

The Flood Infrastructure Fund program provides financial assistance in the form of loans and grants to political subdivisions for flood control, flood mitigation, and drainage projects, including:

  • Planning and design activities
  • Work to obtain necessary regulatory approvals; and
  • Construction and/or implementation of flood projects.

There are four categories of funding available:

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Texas Water Development Fund-Applications on Rolling Basis

The Water Development Fund (DFund) is a state funded loan program that enables the Board to fund multiple eligible components in one loan to our borrowers, e.g. an application for funding of water and wastewater components can be processed in a single loan. Political subdivisions and nonprofit water supply corporations can apply for water, wastewater, and flood control projects (for details on eligible projects visit the Program page). The TWDB will sell bonds as needed to obtain proceeds for DFund which will be used to fund loans for our applicants.

The first step in the application process is to schedule a pre-application conference with your Regional Project Implementation Team to discuss the project’s eligibility. The purpose of the conference is to discuss the proposed project and receive any needed guidance and assistance. For tax-exempt borrowers, the applicant, the applicant’s financial advisor, and the applicant’s consulting engineer should attend this conference. Requesting a preapplication conference does not in any way obligate an applicant to continue the process.

Special requirements are:

  • Water supply projects must be consistent with the current TWDB State Water Plan
  • Entities receiving assistance greater than $500,000 must adopt a water conservation and drought contingency plan
  • U.S. Iron and Steel Manufactured Goods requirements
  • Review of legislative requirements regarding water loss threshold limits

  Click here to access website


Economically Distressed Areas Program-Recently closed for FY 2022 applications in May, will open again for FY 2024 fiscal year.

This program provides financial assistance for projects serving economically distressed areas where water or sewer services do not exist or systems do not meet minimum state standards. Funds can be used for the planning, acquisition, and construction of first-time service or improvements to water supply and wastewater collection and treatment works. A typical EDAP funding commitment includes both a grant and a loan. The ratio is determined by a calculation that considers the median household income for the proposed project area and the political subdivision’s ability to repay the financial assistance. Projects with Public Health Nuisance determinations from TWDB or DSHS are eligible for grant portions up to 70%, and without one up to 50%. Projects must be located in economically distressed areas with

  • Median household incomes less than 75 percent of the median state household income
  • Facilities inadequate to meet residents’ minimal needs, and
  • Was an established residential subdivision as of Jun.1, 2005.

Political subdivisions must adopt Model Subdivision Rules prior to applying. Eligible applicants are Cities, Counties, water districts, and non-profits.

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State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) Program

The SWIFT program helps communities develop and optimize water supplies at cost-effective rates. The program provides low-interest financing, extended repayment terms, deferral of repayments, and incremental repurchase terms for projects with state ownership aspects. It also includes additional interest rate subsidies for rural and agricultural projects. To be eligible for SWIFT program financial assistance, projects must be recommended in the 2022 State Water Plan. Political subdivisions of the State and nonprofit water supply corporations are eligible to apply. Eligible projects must be:

  • Recommended water management strategy projects with an associated capital cost in the most recently adopted state water plan at the time abridged applications are due to the TWDB for consideration
  • Projects include conservation and reuse, desalinating groundwater and seawater, building new pipelines, developing reservoirs and well fields, and purchasing water rights, as well as numerous other strategies

Click here to access website

Other loan programs for water conservation, quality enhancement, wastewater treatment, or financing for rural water utilities can be found on the TWDB website here


Infrastructure-Including Water/Wastewater Infrastructure


USDA Rural Development


           Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant Program-Applications are accepted year round. Contact local Rural Development Office to apply

 This program provides affordable funding to purchase, construct, and/or improve essential community facilities in rural areas (20,000 or less residents), which is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial or business undertakings. Examples include:

  • Water or waste disposal facilities
  • Health care facilities such as hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics, nursing homes or assisted living facilities
  • Public facilities such as town halls, courthouses, airport hangars or street improvements
  • Community support services such as child care centers, community centers, fairgrounds or transitional housing
  • Public safety services such as fire departments, police stations, prisons, police vehicles, fire trucks, public works vehicles or equipment
  • Educational services such as museums, libraries or private schools
  • Utility services such as telemedicine or distance learning equipment
  • Local food systems such as community gardens, food pantries, community kitchens, food banks, food hubs or greenhouses

Awards are a combination of grant and loan funds based off of median household income and population.                                                                                                                                                                                                Match is determined by the combination: 75% if </= 5000 population, <60% State non-metro median income or below poverty line

55% if </= 12,000 population, <70% State non-metro median income or below poverty line

35% if </= 20,000 population, <80% State non-metro median income or below poverty line

15% if </= 20,000 population, <90% State non-metro median income or below poverty line

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Powering Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) Program-Closed September 29, 2023.
This program provides loans of $1-100 million to entities that generate electricity for resale to residents in both rural and nonrural areas including cities, municipality districts, cooperatives, and non-profits for wind, solar, hydropower, geothermal, or biomass energy storage projects. Loan forgiveness works on the following scale:
Category 1: Provides up to 20% total loan forgiveness for applicants if they meet the minimum set of standards set forth in the PACE program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
Category 2: Provides up to 40% total loan forgiveness if the project is in or serves 50% or more of the population of a designated energy community, disadvantaged community, or distressed community.
Category 3: Provides up to 60% total loan forgiveness if the project:
Is located in U.S. territories or in Compact of Free Association areas, serves areas with Tribal populations of 60 percent or greater, are owned by a Tribal government, or are in a Substantially Underserved Trust Area.
Loan terms are 30 years.

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Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grant Program-Deadline to apply is quarterly, with deadlines coming up in March 31st, June 30th, and September 30th. 
This program provides loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. Projects must be located in rural areas with populations of 50,000 or less. Loan guarantees are available up to 75% of eligible project costs and grants up to 50% of project costs. Grant terms are:
Renewable Energy System Grants:
  • $2,500 minimum.
  • $1 million maximum.
Energy Efficiency Grants:
  • $1,500 minimum.
  • $500,000 maximum.
Match is 50-75% depending on certain criteria.
Deadline to apply is quarterly, with deadlines coming up in September 30th, December 31st, and March 31st.

U.S Department of Defense Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation

Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot ProgramClosed, Should Open for FY 2024

This program provides $250,000 to $20 million to local governments and non-profits for community infrastructure projects- any complete and useable transportation project, community support facilities (e.g., school, hospital, police, fire, emergency response, or other community support facility), and utility infrastructure projects (e.g., water, waste-water, telecommunications, electric, gas, or other utility infrastructure)-in support of a military installation. Match is at least 30%, or 0% if population is less than 100,000.

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Texas Department of Agriculture Community Development Block Grant (TXCDBG) Programs


Community Development Fund-Applications for FY 2023-24 Currently Closed, Reopen Early 2025

The Community Development Fund is the largest fund category in the TxCDBG Program. This fund is available on a biennial basis for funding through a competition in each of the 24 state planning regions. Although most funds are used for Public Facilities (water/wastewater infrastructure, street and drainage improvements and housing activities), there are numerous other activities for which these funds may be used. The Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG) Executive Committee convened on April 25, 2024 to select Regional Priorities for FY 2025-26 Community Development Fund applications based on prior funding cycle priorities and local priorities from non-entitlement communities. After receiving public feedback, the committee went through eligible TxCDBG Community Development Fund projects (on the regional priority form) and assigned a rank of 1,2,3, or 0 and approved them for FY 2025-26.These Regional Priorities will account for 50 of the 200 points that the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) will award to applicants. FY 2025-26 CTCOG First Regional Priorities are:

  • Flood drainage improvements
  • Water/sewer improvements
  • Street improvements
  • Sidewalks
  • Fire Stations/equipment
  • Rehab; Single-Unit Residential, Utility Connections

For more information go here

Maximum Award: $500,000

Match: <2% to >20% depending on population

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Downtown Revitalization and Main Street Programs-Applications closed April 3, 2024

The DRP/MS program objective is to provide infrastructure improvements to address the conditions that contribute to the deterioration in an area designated as slum or blighted in the applicant community’s downtown or main street area. A downtown area must be at least two of the following:

  • The city’s historic area of commerce;
  • May be the area around the courthouse or city square;
  • Commercial area for the community;
  • Buildings of historical significance, but not primarily residential;
  • Must be areas included in or contiguous to the economic center of the community; and
  • The retail area for the community that does not include single-family dwellings.

Award Amounts: Minimum-$250,000


Match: Minimum 3.5%

Click here to access website


Planning and Capacity Building Fund-Application for 2022-23 Closed Mar.16, 2022

The Planning and Capacity Building Fund is a competitive grant program for local public facility and housing planning activities. Localities apply for financial assistance to prepare a “comprehensive plan” or any of its components.

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The State Urgent Need (SUN)

The State Urgent Need (SUN) Fund is available following natural disasters and events that are not eligible for federal disaster assistance. The SUN program provides financial assistance to addrsess disaster-related damage to public infrastructure and utilities, including repair, replacement, and mitigation measures.

SUN funding is available to repair, replace, rehabilitate, or improve public infrastructure impacted by a natural disaster, including mitigation measures appropriate to the project. Funds cannot be used for:

  • Repair costs that are covered by insurance or other funding sources
  • Temporary improvements or emergency measure that are not a long-term solution
  • Redundant or backup systems
  • Repair of residential or commercial properties
  • Costs of preparing an application for funding

Award Minimum: $50,000

Award Maximum: $350,000


Click here to access website


Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (TxPACE)No Deadline

Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (TX-PACE) is a long term financing tool for improvements to energy efficiency, water-conservation, and on-site generation for commercial, industrial, and multifamily properties. The program allows property owners to finance 100% of their project costs with private funding paid off through a senior lien as long as the useful life of the equipment, allowing all PACE Projects to be cashflow positive. A non-profit, Texas PACE Authority, can administer the financing and is paid a user fee by the property owner. The Texas Pace Authority has also created a “PACE in a Box” toolkit for local governments to use to create uniform and sustainable local PACE programs.

Click here to access website


American Planning Association

Community Planning Assistant Teams

Community Planning Assistance Teams comprised of APA members offer their time and expertise to help people in places where additional resources are needed. This program is supported by volunteer professionals, community contributions, and grant funding.

Click here to access website


Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA)-Recurring Deadlines; Next Application Period is Jul. 1-31, 2024

Community Development Partnership Program

This Program offers grants of up to $50,000 in January and July for capital projects that benefit the entire community. In the past, awards have included emergency equipment for first responders, improvements to fire stations, parks, libraries, and community centers. Lampasas, San Saba, Hamilton, Coryell and Mills counties are both in the LCRA’s service area.

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Economic Development, Agriculture, and Business Funding

Texas Office of the Governor

Texas Travel Industry Recovery Grant Program-Closed, may reopen for future rounds

The Office of the Governor announced the launch of this new recovery program, which began accepting applications July 6, 2022. The purpose of this program is to provide grants to Texas businesses in the tourism, travel, and hospitality industry that were negatively impacted due to COVID-19. This program will issue a one-time grant of up to $20,000 to eligible businesses in the following industries: arts, entertainment, and recreation; food services and drinking places; traveler accommodation; RV parks and recreational camps; traveler arrangement and reservation services; convention and tradeshow organizers; breweries; wineries; and distilleries.

Click here to access website

Advertising, PR and Social Media Co-Op Programs-Closed August 2023, may reopen for future fiscal years

On Oct.26, Travel Texas opened its FY 2023 Advertising, PR and Social Media Co-Op Programs for applications. Cooperative opportunities are open to industry partners interested in participating in shared advertising activities, and for partners to promote their specific destinations and attractions. These may include participation in select advertising programs, owned marketing and social media campaigns, trade shows, sales and media missions and more. Advertising co-op opportunities include partnerships through email, digital media, social media and more.

Click here to access website

Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

HOPE VI Main Street Program-Closed

The purpose of the HUD HOPE VI Main Street Program is to provide grants to small communities to assist in the renovation of an historic or traditional central business district, or “Main Street” area, by replacing unused, obsolete, commercial space in buildings with affordable housing units, and to enhance economic development in the area. Eligible applicants are local governments with a population of 50,000 or less and not be served by a local or county/parish Public Housing Agency (PHA) that administers more than 100 physical public housing units within the local government’s jurisdiction. Awards are $500,000-$1 million.
FY 2023 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants Program-Closed Dec.11, 2023, may reopen for future rounds
The HUD FY 2023 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grants program supports the implementation of comprehensive neighborhood revitalization plans to redevelop severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted housing and catalyze critical improvements in the neighborhood. The goals of the program are:
  • Housing: Replace severely distressed public and assisted housing with high-quality mixed-income housing that is well-managed and responsive to the needs of the surrounding neighborhood;
  • People: Improve outcomes of households living in the target housing related to income and employment, health, and education; and
  • Neighborhood: Create the conditions necessary for public and private investment in distressed neighborhoods to offer amenities and assets including safety, good schools, and commercial activity.
Grants will be up to $50 millon for city and township governments, as well as public housing authorities. Eligible target neighborhoods for the plans are neighborhoods with at least 15 percent of the residents estimated to be in poverty or have extremely low incomes based on the most recent Census data. Match is at least 5%.
Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP) Program-Closed Dec.4, 2023, may reopen for future rounds
This program awards $1,145,000-$13,500,000 in grant funds for FY 2023 to eligible national and regional non-profit organizations and consortia to purchase home sites and develop or improve the infrastructure needed for volunteer-based homeownership programs for low-income persons and families. Eligible costs are land acquisition, infrastructure improvements, and reasonable and necessary planning and administration costs (not to exceed 20 percent).

Economic Development Administration (EDA) 

Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs-Ongoing Application Period

The FY 2023 EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs is now open for applications. These Programs provide funding for cities, counties, states, private and public institutes of higher education, and non-profits for build, design, or engineer critical infrastructure and facilities that will help implement regional development strategies and advance bottom-up economic development goals to promote regional prosperity if aligned with the current 2022-26 CEDS, and any construction and non-construction activities that help communities experiencing or anticipating economic dislocation.

Examples of previously funded Public Works projects include: 

  • Acquisition and development of land and improvements for use in public works or other types of development facilities;
  • Design and engineering, construction, rehabilitation, alteration, expansion, or improvement of public works, public service, or related development facilities, including related machinery and equipment;
  • Water and sewer system improvements;
  • Creation or expansion of industrial parks;
  • Creation or expansion of business incubator and accelerator facilities;
  • Expansion of port and harbor facilities;
  • Construction or expansion of facilities for workforce development;
  • Redevelopment of brownfield sites;
  • Expansion, construction, or improvements of technology-based facilities and research and development commercialization centers, including the procurement of necessary equipment;
  • Construction, expansion, or improvement of wet labs, including the procurement of necessary equipment;
  • Construction of multi-tenant manufacturing facilities;
  • Expansion or improvement of research, business and science parks; and
  • Expansion or enhancement of public facilities with higher quality fiber optic cables and
  • Telecommunications infrastructure and broadband infrastructure deployment.

Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA)  projects include infrastructure, design and engineering, technical assistance, economic recovery strategies, and capitalization or re-capitalization of revolving loan funds in regions experiencing adverse economic changes. Examples of prior funded projects include:

  • Construction or upgrading of public infrastructure;
  • Design and implementation of sectoral partnerships;
  • Activities necessary to strengthen cluster acceleration and expansion;
  • Capitalization or recapitalization of revolving loan funds (RLFs);
  • Development and implementation of long-term disaster recovery and resiliency plans;
  • Enhancement of infrastructure to make it more resilient to natural disasters;
  • Implementation of military base realignments and closures (BRAC) responses;
  • Development or expansion of commercialization and proof of concept centers;
  • Procurement of equipment for workforce training programs;
  • Market or industry research and analysis for larger hard or soft economic projects;
  • Creation or expansion of foreign direct investment, trade, or export initiatives;
  • Economic development projects that enhance density in the vicinity of other economic development;
  • “Strategy grants” to develop, update, or refine a CEDS; and
  • Development of projects that provide technical assistance to enhance the capacity of key economic development actors in the region to promote the region’s locally owned strategies.

Awards are expected to be $600,000-$5 million for the Public Works Program and $150,000-$2.5 million for the EAA. Match ranges from 50-80% based on the average per capita income and unemployment rate as well as the actual or threatened economic situation of the region where the project is located.


The DDCT 2022-26 CEDS can be viewed here!



EDA Recompete Program-Applications Closed October 5th, 2023, will reopen for future rounds

This Program will award grants of between $250,000 and $500,000 to local governments, political subdivisions of the state, a public entity or non-profit in cooperation with a political subdivision, or a coalition of these entities in Phase One to develop Strategy Development Grants and approve Recompete Plans that address persistent economic distress and support long-term, comprehensive economic development and job creation in places with a high prime-age (25 to 54 years) employment gap. Plans can include:
• Coordination and execution of an inclusive, locally-defined planning process, across jurisdictions and agencies, to develop a comprehensive regional strategy to address high prime-age employment gaps in the regions (i.e., a PAEG strategy)
• Identification and fostering of regional partnerships for developing and implementing a comprehensive regional PAEG strategy
• Implementation or updating of assessments to determine regional needs and capabilities; Development or updating of goals and strategies to implement an existing comprehensive regional PAEG strategy
• Identification or implementation of planning, local zoning, and other changes to code, law, or policy necessary to implement a comprehensive regional PAEG strategy
• Development of plans for promoting broad-based economic growth in a region
• Hiring of the coalition’s RPC to lead the overall effort and other necessary staff
• Formation of a workforce development strategy, according to the needs for a skilled and diverse technical workforce aligned with the region’s strengths
• Activities necessary to prepare for strategy implementation, which may include workforce development strategies, environmental, and engineering documentation, if applicable
Eligible project areas must either be a Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area with a Prime Age Employment Gap (difference between national 5-year average prime-age employment rate and the 5-year average prime-age employment rate of the eligible area) of at least 2.5% and a local community with a PAEG of at least 5% and median income of no more than $75,000.
Approved Recompete Plans will be eligible for Phase Two Implementation grants.

Click here to access website

Build to Scale Program-Closed for FY 2022, Will reopen for future rounds

The FY 2022 Build to Scale Program made $45 million in federal funds available to build regional economies through scalable startups. Under the Build to Scale program, EDA manages a portfolio of national grant competitions that further increase the capacities of regions to plan and implement ecosystems that support innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups that are growing technology-driven businesses, creating high-skill, high-wage jobs, and building the industries of the future. The two funding opportunities are:

Venture Challenge

The Venture Challenge awards grants to organizations that enable startups to become the next generation of globally competitive, industry-leading companies and support regions in overcoming barriers that prevent would-be innovators from accessing these opportunities. Competitive applications will demonstrate the ability to generate sustainable added value for the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by:

  • leveraging unique opportunities to accelerate existing technology-driven industry clusters;
  • encouraging technology transfer, innovation, commercialization, and adoption;
  • unlocking talent, capital, and other resources that, if left untapped, would inhibit regional innovation capacity and resilience; and
  • supporting cluster-aligned companies in expanding access to high-quality jobs.

Capital Challenge

The Capital Challenge awards provide programmatic and operational support for the formation, launch, or scale of investment funds that seek to invest in scalable startups. This includes eligible entities that work to identify, educate, and connect groups of investors (e.g. angel networks) to facilitate access to equity-based capital within a community, region, or regional industry. These grant funds cannot be used as investment capital. Competitive applications will demonstrate the ability to generate sustainable value for the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by:

  • expanding the supply and investment of equity-based capital focused on technology startups;
  • increasing the number of regional equity investment managers;
  • developing dealflow, conducting due diligence, and closing investment deals; and
  • introducing new equity-based investment opportunities that increase access to capital for entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs.

Eligible entities include:

  • A city or other political subdivision of a State;
  • An entity whose application is supported by a State or a political
    subdivision of a State and that is—
    o a nonprofit organization,
    o an institution of higher education,
    o a public-private partnership,
    o a science or research park,
    o a Federal laboratory,
    o a venture development organization, or
    o an economic development organization or similar entity that is
    focused primarily on improving science, technology, innovation,
    or entrepreneurship; or
  • A consortium of any of the aforementioned entities.

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FY 2021-23 Planning and Local Technical Assistance Grant-Applications Ongoing

Local governments, states, institutes of higher education, and non-profits can apply for this grant, which is two different programs-Planning and Local Technical Assistance. The portion of the Planning program for local governments is for short-term and state planning efforts to stimulate and guide the creation and/or retention of high-quality jobs and private investment attraction. The median amount of awards for this program is $70,000. The Local Technical Assistance Program funds projects that undertake and promote effective economic development, including feasibility studies, impact analyses, disaster resiliency plans, and project planning. The median amount for Local Technical Assistance awards has been $100,000.

$33.5 million is allocated for Planning programs and $10 million for Technical Assistance programs. The period of performance for awards is 12-18 months.

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Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) 

Rural Economic Development Finance Program Texas Rural Community (TRC) Loan-Application deadline on rolling basis

The TRC loan provides financing to rural political subdivisions including cities, counties, and special purpose districts as well as EDCs to address economic development [riorities, rural economic development, or support the agriculture industry. Unincorporated areas or cities must have a population under 50,000 and counties must have a population under 200,000. Maximum loan amount is $5 million. Loans can be used to capitalize economic development projects including infrastructure, business recruitment and expansion, community facilities (i.e. healthcare facilities), and any other eligible use that can be identified to improve or assist in rural economic development and/or impact the agricultural industry. Match is at least 10%.

Click here to access website

AmeriCorps VISTA ProgramApplications Accepted Year Round

This is a federal program which allows local governments and non-profits to apply to partner to support a Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA) to support and expand their entity’s services and capacity.

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Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) ProgramApplications closed Apr.1st, 2024

This program encourages regional, innovation-driven approaches to economic development by funding job accelerator partnerships in low-income and underserved rural communities. In FY 2024, $2 million is available to partnerships of local governments, investors, industry, institutions of higher education, and other public and private entities in rural areas to:
1. Build or support a business incubator facility.
2. Provide worker training to assist in the creation of new jobs.
3. Train the existing workforce with skills for higher-paying jobs.
4. Develop a base of skilled workers and improve their opportunities to obtain high-wage jobs in new or existing local industries.
Awards range from $500,000 to $2 million with a match of 20%.

Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program-Application deadlines quarterly, with the next deadline being Jun.30, 2024

The USDA Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program provides zero-interest loans and grants to current and former eligible Rural Utilities Service borrowers to then use the funds to help local businesses finance projects to create and retain jobs or finance community facility projects. Up to $300,000 in grants and $2 million in loans may be requested to establish revolving loan funds. Eligible entities include:
  • A former Rural Utilities Service borrower who borrowed, repaid or pre-paid an insured, direct or guaranteed loan.
  • Nonprofit utilities that are eligible to receive assistance from the Rural Development Electric or Telecommunication Programs.
  • Current Rural Development Electric or Telecommunication Programs borrowers.
Eligible areas are rural with a population of less than 50,000. Eligible projects include:
  • Business incubators.
  • Community development assistance to nonprofits and public bodies (particularly for job creation or enhancement).
  • Facilities and equipment to educate and train rural residents to facilitate economic development.
  • Start-up venture costs, including, but not limited to, financing fixed assets such as real estate, buildings, equipment or working capital.
  • Business expansion.
  • Technical assistance.

          Click here to access website

Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance ProgramApplication Deadlines are quarterly, with the next deadline Jun.30, 2024

The USDA’s Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP) for fiscal year (FY) 2024 provides loans and grants to a non-profit entity, or public institutions of higher education as a Microenterprise Development Organization (MDO) to establish revolving loan funds to provide loans to rural microenterprises and micro entrepreneurs. Loan funds are used by the MDO to establish or recapitalize a revolving loan program for making microloans to a rural microentrepreneur business. Grant funds are used by the MDO to provide technical assistance and entrepreneurship training to rural individuals and businesses. Maximum awards are $500,000 for loans, and $100,000 for grants. Match is 15-25%.

Click here to access website

Intermediary Relending Program-Application Deadlines are quarterly, with the next deadline Jun.30, 2024

The USDA’s Intermediary Relending Program (IRP) for FY 2023 provides low-interest loans to local lenders or “intermediaries” that re-lend the funds to businesses to improve economic conditions and create new opportunities in rural communities. Eligible applicants include private non-profit corporations, public agencies, or a cooperative entity, identified as eligible intermediary. Maximum loan amounts are expected to be $1 million. Match will be 25% minimum.

Click here to access website

Texas Workforce Commission

Skills for Small Business Program-Application Period Rolling

Through this program, up to $2 million from the Skills Development Fund is dedicated for training for employees of small employers. Small Businesses can apply to TWC for training offered by their local community or technical college or the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). TWC processes the applications and works with the college to fund the specific courses selected by businesses for their employees. This opportunity supports businesses with fewer than 100 employees and emphasizes training for new workers though it also may help upgrade the skills of incumbent workers.

  • Skills for Small Business emphasizes training newly hired employees, those who have been hired by the business up to twelve months prior to the date that TWC receives an application.
  • The program pays up to $1,800 for each new employee being trained and $900 for existing employees per 12-month period.
  • Funding for training is for full-time employees.
  • All training must be provided by a public community or technical college, or the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). No third-party vendor training is allowed.
  • Training must be selected from active course catalogs/schedules— credit, continuing education, online or other available unpublished courses.
  • Employers must pay the prevailing wages in the local labor market for the trainees funded under the grant.

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U.S Department of Labor

Youthbuild Program-Applications closed Feb.1, 2024, will reopen next fiscal year

This program will provide $700,000 to $1.5 million to ISDs, state governments, counties, local governments, institutes of higher education, special district governments, and nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status for pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, who are performing meaningful work and service to their communities. Applicants must include construction skills training and may include occupational skills training in other in-demand industries. Programs should include:
1. Training and curriculum that aligns with the skill needs of employers in the economy of the state or region involved;
2. Access to educational and career counseling and other supportive services, directly or indirectly;
3. Hands-on, meaningful learning activities that are connected to education and training activities;
4. Opportunities to attain at least one industry-recognized credential; and
5. A partnership with one or more registered apprenticeship programs that assists in placing individuals in a registered apprenticeship program.
The period of performance is 40 months and match is 25%.

Small Business Administration

7(a) Loans-Applications Year Round

The 7(a) Loan Program, SBA’s most common loan program, provides financial help for small businesses with special requirements. This is the best option when real estate is part of a business purchase, but it can also be used for:

  • Short- and long-term working capital
  • Refinance current business debt
  • Purchase furniture, fixtures, and supplies

The maximum loan amount for a 7(a) loan is $5 million. Key eligibility factors are based on what the business does to receive its income, its credit history, and where the business operates.

To be eligible 7(a) loan assistance, businesses must:

  • Operate for profit
  • Be considered a small business, as defined by SBA
  • Be engaged in, or propose to do business in, the United States or its possessions
  • Have reasonable invested equity
  • Use alternative financial resources, including personal assets, before seeking financial assistance
  • Be able to demonstrate a need for a loan
  • Use the funds for a sound business purpose
  • Not be delinquent on any existing debt obligations to the U.S. government

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Section 504 Loan Program-Applications Year Round

The CDC/504 Loan Program provides long-term, fixed rate financing for major fixed assets that promote business growth and job creation. 504 loans are available through Certified Development Companies (CDCs), SBA’s community-based partners who regulate nonprofits and promote economic development within their communities. CDCs are certified and regulated by the SBA.

To be eligible for a 504 loan, your business must:

  • Operate as a for-profit company in the United States or its possessions
  • Have a tangible net worth of less than $15 million
  • Have an average net income of less than $5 million after federal income taxes for the two years preceding your application

A 504 loan  can be used for a range of assets that promote business growth and job creation. These include the purchase or construction of:

  • Existing buildings or land
  • New facilities
  • Long-term machinery and equipment

Or the improvement or modernization of:

  • Land, streets, utilities, parking lots and landscaping
  • Existing facilities

The maximum loan amount for a 504 loan is $5 million.

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Emergency Vehicle Fund

 Texas Department of Agriculture Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG)

Fire, Ambulance, and Service Truck (FAST) Fund-Closed July 2022, Closed Indefinitely

The Fire, Ambulance, & Service Truck (FAST) Fund provides funds for eligible vehicles to provide emergency response and special services to rural communities.

Award Amounts:

Award Minimum:
Single Jurisdiction: $50,000
Multi-jurisdiction: $50,000

Award Maximum:
Single Jurisdiction: $750,000
Multi-jurisdiction: $750,000

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TxDOT’s Public Transportation Division

Coordinated Call for ProjectsApplications closed Jan.19, 2024, will reopen for FY 2025

TxDOT’s Public Transportation Division opened its coordinated call for projects for FY 2024! Eligible applicants are able to apply for the following programs:
1. 49 U.S.C. § 5304 Planning Assistance (PLN): Assists small urban and rural transit agencies as well as local governments, non-profits, and for-profits to develop projects and strategies to support the coordination of public, private, specialized, and human service transportation services. Funds may also be used to support training educational programs, and demonstration projects.
2. 49 U.S.C. § 5311(b)(3) Rural Transportation Assistance Program (RTAP): Projects can develop training and training materials to improve the quality of information and technical assistance available to local transit operators, develop networks of transit professionals, and support the coordination of public, private, specialized, and human service transportation services. Eligible applicants are rural and urban transit districts and non-profits.
3. 49 U.S.C. § 5311 Rural Discretionary (RD): Assists public transportation providers in rural areas to provide passenger transportation services to the general public using the most efficient combination of knowledge, materials, resources and technology.
4. 49 U.S.C. § 5311(f) Intercity Bus Program (ICB): Supports connections, services, and infrastructure to meet the intercity mobility needs of residents in rural areas.
Eligible applicants are rural and urban transit districts, local governments, and non-profits.

U.S Department of Transportation

Safe Streets for All Program-Closed on Sep.15, 2022, CTCOG was Awarded Grant for Region

The SS4A program is funded through the IIJA/BIL to provide $5-6 billion in funds over the next five years for regional, local, and Tribal initiatives to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. Eligible applicants include:

  • Metropolitan planning organizations;
  • Counties, cities, towns, and other special districts that are subdivisions of a State; and
  • Partnerships comprised of the entities above.

Two grant types: Action Plan and Implementation Grants

Grant priorities are innovative strategies which promote safety, are low cost and high impact, and invest in underserved rural and urban communities.

Award Amount: $200,000-$50 million

Match: 20%

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RAISE ProgramClosed on Feb.28, 2024 for FY 2024, will open for more rounds in the next fiscal year

The Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant program, allows the USDOT to invest in road, rail, transit, and port projects that promise to achieve national objectives. Previously known as the Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) and Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Discretionary Grants, Congress has dedicated nearly $9.9 billion for thirteen rounds of National Infrastructure Investments to fund surface transportation projects that have a significant local or regional impact.

Projects can include:

  • Highway, bridge, or other road projects eligible under title 23, United States Code;
  • Public transportation projects;
  • Passenger and freight rail transportation projects;
  • Port infrastructure investments (including inland port infrastructure and land ports of entry);
  • The surface transportation components of an airport project;
  • Intermodal projects;

Minimum award amount is $5 million in urban areas and $1 million in rural areas.

No more than 15% of funding can go to projects in a single State and 50% for urban areas.

Match: 20%, or less if Area of Persistent Poverty or Historically Disadvantaged Communities

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Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program-Application Closed Sep.28, 2023, Will Reopen for Each Fiscal Year until FY 2026

The IIJA/BIL authorized $1 billion over 5 years for the USDOT’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant Program. The Program’s funds can support planning, capital construction, and technical assistance to restore community connectivity through the removal, retrofit, mitigation, or replacement of eligible transportation infrastructure facilities that create barriers to mobility, access, or economic development.

Eligible infrastructure facilities are highways, including roads, streets, or parkways or other transportation facilities, such as a railroad tracks, that create a barrier to community connectivity, including barriers to mobility, access, or economic development, due to high speeds, grade separations, or other design factors.

Eligible Planning Grant applicants include:

  • States
  • Units of local government
  • Metropolitan planning organizations
  • Nonprofit organizations

Eligible Capital Grant applicants are facility owners or partnerships between owners and eligible Planning Grant applicants.

There is $145 million in funding for Capital Grants and $50 million for Planning Grants for FY 2022.

Award Amounts: Capital-No less than $5 million

Planning-Up to $2 million

Match: Capital-No more than 50% of project costs


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Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program-Application closed Oct.10, 2023 Will Reopen for Each Fiscal Year until FY 2026

USDOT’s Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grant Program has $100 million appropriated for each fiscal year for FY 2022-26 to provide grants to eligible public sector agencies to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced technologies and systems in order to improve transportation efficiency and safety. Eligible entities include political subdivisions of a State and Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Eligible projects must include at least one of the following:
  • Coordinated automation
  • Connected vehicles
  • Sensors
  • Systems integration
  • Delivery/logistics
  • Innovative aviation
  • Smart grid
  • Traffic signals
Award maximums will be $2 million for planning grants, and $15 million for prototype grants. No match for planning grants.

Federal Transit Administration

Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning-Application Closed Oct.10, 2023

This program provides $13.4 million in funding to communities to integrate land use and transportation planning in new fixed guideway and core capacity transit project corridors. Comprehensive or site- specific planning funded through the pilot program must examine ways to improve economic development and ridership potential, foster multimodal connectivity and accessibility, improve transit access for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, engage the private sector, identify infrastructure needs, and enable mixed-use development near transit stations. Eligible applicants are FTA grantees as of the publication date of the NOFO, and must either be the project sponsor of an eligible transit capital project or an entity with land use planning authority in an eligible transit capital project corridor.

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Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility (ICAM) Pilot Program-Applications closed Feb.13, 2024

This program provides $4.7 million in competitive grant funding for FY 2023 and an additional $4.8 million for FY 2024 to projects that improve access to vital transportation services for older adults, disabled people, and low-income individuals. Eligible applicants are:
1. State departments of transportation.
2. Designated recipients for Section 5310 funds.
3. Local governmental entities that operate a public transportation service or their eligible subrecipients.
4. Private entities that provide shared-ride on demand service to the general public on a regular basis.
5. Applicants must serve as the lead agency of a regional or statewide consortium that includes stakeholders from the transportation, healthcare, human service, or other sectors.
Eligible projects are capital projects, as defined in 49 U.S.C. 5302(4) that improve the coordination of transportation services and non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services, including:
1. Regional or statewide mobility management projects
2. Deployment of coordination technology; and
3. Regional or statewide projects that create or increase access to one-call/one-click centers
There is no minimum or maximum award amount and match will be minimum 20% unless the project is for vehicles (15%) or vehile related equipment (10%).

Thriving Communities Program-Requests for Technical Assistance Open, Application Deadline for Capacity Builders is Nov.28, 2023 

The USDOT Thriving Communities Program (TCP) allows USDOT selected technical assistance providers to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support to communities that may lack the staffing or technical expertise to scope, fund, and develop infrastructure projects that advance broader community goals. The TCP will provide two years of deep-dive assistance to selected communities to help them plan and develop a pipeline of comprehensive transportation, housing, and community revitalization activities. MPOs, cities, counties, and transit agencies are eligible to submit letters of intent for this program; in order to prepare for submitting the letter, applicants should:
1. Form a Thriving Communities Team, including a lead applicant and at least two community partners.
2. Identify their community, including its geographic area and disadvantaged status.
3. Identify their Community of Practice (Main Streets, Complete Neighborhoods, or Networked Communities).
4. Prepare a Needs and Vision Statement to make a case for seeking TCP technical assistance.
5. Complete the Letter of Interest Worksheet to ensure they have all the information they need to submit an LOI.
Capacity builders may apply for up to $22 million in funding to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) Program-Closed Feb.2, 2024
This Program provides up to $60 million in Federal funding each for FY 2024 to provide grants to State or local governments, transit agencies, and MPOs to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment. Award amounts are up to $12 million a year or 80% of the total cost of activities proposed to be funded. Minimum 20% cost share.


Telecommunications Funds

Texas Broadband Development Office

The Texas Broadband Development Office (BDO) released the inaugural edition of the Texas Broadband Plan on Jun.15th. To guide the strategic vision of the plan, Comptroller Glenn Hegar and staff analyzed data (including more than 16,000 survey responses), and observations from the Texas Broadband Listening Tour and current and future areas of focus. Of the survey respondents, 45 percent have a wired internet connection at home; 36 percent reported a lack of high-speed broadband at their residence; and 54 percent reported that their internet connection is not affordable. The tour included stops in 12 Texas communities to gather insights about internet access and collect feedback. Participants included taxpayers, community advocates, students, educators, public officials, agricultural producers, nonprofit representatives, internet service providers, industry leaders, senior citizens and health care providers. The Plan’s findings from stakeholders was consistent: slow data speeds, unreliable access, cost and coordination are critical areas of concern for Texas families, businesses, educators and farmers. This important assessment of the current state of broadband in Texas creates a framework for establishing grant programs that reach the areas of greatest immediate need and establish a possible framework for future funding opportunities. 

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Bringing Online Opportunities to Texas (BOOT) ProgramClosed May.5, 2023, Will Reopen for FY 2024

The Texas Broadband Development Office’s BOOT program has released its NOFA! Eligible applicants, including political subdivisions of the State and broadband service providers are now eligible to apply for $200,000-$4,999,999 grants with no required match for broadband infrastructure projects that are designed to deliver 100 Mbps symmetrical service through last mile connections to unserved or underserved areas. Eligible expenses include the repair, rehabilitation, construction, improvement, and acquisition of real property, equipment (e.g.,devices and office equipment), and facilities (e.g., telecommunications equipment, including infrastructure for backhaul, middle, and last mile networks). State law SB-1238 amends the Texas Broadband Development Program to expand unserved, underserved, and served areas on the Broadband map based on a new statutory definition that includes latency speeds of 100 ms to count as broadband service.
The NOFA can be viewed here.

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HB 9

This State law passed at the 89th Texas Legislative Session will also will establish a $1.5 billion Broadband Infrastructure Fund upon voter approval.

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Community Connect-Closed Jun.20, 2023, May Reopen for FY 2024

The Community Connect provides $100,000-$5 million to eligible applicants that will provide broadband service in rural, economically-challenged communities where service does not exist.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Incorporated organizations
  • State and local units of government
  • Any other legal entity, including cooperatives, private corporations, or limited liability companies organized on a for-profit or not-for-profit basis

Rural areas that lack any existing broadband speed of at least 25 Mbps downstream and 3 Mbps upstream are eligible.

Funds may be used for:

  • The construction, acquisition, or leasing of facilities, spectrum, land or buildings used to deploy broadband service
  • The cost of providing broadband service free of charge to the critical community facilities for 2 years
  • Less than 10% of the grant amount or up to $150,000 may be used for the improvement, expansion, construction or acquisition of a community center that provides online access to the public

At least 15% match required. Projects must deliver service of 100 Mbps/20 Mbps.

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ReConnect Loan and Grant Program-Applications for Round 5 Open, Deadline is May 21, 2024

The IIJA/BIL also invested an additional $2 billion for the USDA’s ReConnect Grant and Loan Program. The ReConnect Program offers loans, grants, and loan-grant combinations to facilitate broadband deployment in areas of rural America that currently do not have sufficient access to broadband. Funds may be used for:

  • Funding the construction or improvement of facilities required to provide fixed terrestrial broadband service
  • Funding reasonable pre-application expenses
  • Funding the acquisition of an existing system that does not currently provide sufficient access to broadband (eligible for 100 percent loan requests only)

Eligible applicants include political subdivisions of States and local governments, LLCs, and corporations with a Proposed Funded Service Area that is rural and lacks sufficient access to Broadband (25 Mbps/3 Mbps).

Award Amounts:

100% Grant-$100,000-$25 million, $150 million available.

100% Grant for Persistent Poverty Areas and Socially Vulnerable Communities-Up to $150 million available.

50 Percent Loan / 50 Percent Grant-$100,000-$25 million each, must be equal amounts, $100 million available for loans and $100 million available for grants.

100% Loan-$100,000-$50 million, $200 million available.



100% Grant-at least 25% match

100% Grant for Persistent Poverty Areas or Socially Vulnerable Community-0%

50% Loan/50% Grant-U.S Treasury rate.

100% Loan-2%, principal and interest deferred for three years.


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Federal Communications Commission

Affordable Connectivity Program-Applications Rolling

The Affordable Connectivity Program provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service and a  a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers for eligible households. Eligible households’ income is at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or a member of the household

  • Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year;
  • Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating provider’s existing low-income internet program;
  • Participates in one of the listed Federal assistance programs

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Placemaking and Parks


National Endowment for the Arts

Our Town Grant Program-Closed Aug.3, 2023, Will Reopen for FY 2024

This program is offering up to $150,000 to facilitate creative placemaking to help strengthen communities. The program will fund arts, culture, and design projects that help advance local outcomes and improve integration of the arts. Projects may include activities such as

  • Arts engagement including artist residency, arts festivals, performances, and public art.
  • Cultural planning such as the creation of a cultural plan and arts integration in city master planning.
  • Design planning through artist/designer-facilitated community planning, and public space design.

Grants range from $25,000 to $150,000, with a minimum cost share/match equal to the grant amount.

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Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD)

Local Parks Grants

The Local Park Grant Program consists of 5 individual programs (including urban, non-urban, outdoor, and indoor recreation grant programs) that assist local units of government with the acquisition and/or development of public recreation areas and facilities throughout the State of Texas. The Program provides 50% matching grants on a reimbursement basis to eligible applicants. All grant assisted sites must be dedicated as parkland in perpetuity, properly maintained and open to the public. Grant maximum amounts and deadlines for FY 2022 are as follows:

Urban Outdoor Recreation: $1.5 million, Aug.1, 2023

Non-Urban Outdoor Recreation: $750,000, Aug.1, 2023

Small Community Recreation: $150,000, Aug.1, 2023

Urban Indoor Recreation: $1.5 million, TBD

Non-Urban Indoor Recreation: $1 million, TBD

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Recreational Trails Grant-Application Feb.1 Each Year

TPWD administers the National Recreational Trails Fund in Texas. The reimbursable grants can be up to 80% of project cost with a maximum of $300,000 for non-motorized trail grants and a maximum award of $600,000 for motorized (off-highway vehicle) trail grants. Funds can be used for the construction of new recreational trails, improvement of existing trails, development of trailheads or trailside facilities, and to acquire trail corridors.

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Emergency Preparedness 

Department of Homeland Security

Homeland Security National Training Program-Closed Aug.15, 2022

Through its Continuing Training Grants (CTG) program, the Department of Homeland Security Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) plays an important role in the National Preparedness System. The CTG program supports building, sustaining, and delivering core capabilities through the development and delivery of training to achieve the National Preparedness Goal, which is “a secure and resilient Nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.” the CTG program provides funding for eligible applicants to support and target training solutions for state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) partners, supporting the FY 2022 CTG NOFO objective of the National Preparedness System to facilitate an integrated, whole community, risk-informed, capabilities-based approach to preparedness. The Fiscal Year 2022 CTG program’s purpose is to address specific threats and gaps
through the development and delivery of learning solutions and facilitate a national whole community approach to focus on the challenges with the greatest impact on the Nation’s preparedness. FEMA, through CTG recipients, will concentrate on developing training to address national priorities while considering the challenges presented by a pandemic environment. The maximum grant amount is $3 million. Eligible applicants include:

City or township governments
County government
Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status
Nonprofit private institutions of higher education
Nonprofit national associations and organizations or
Public and state controlled institutions of higher education

who administer an existing training program, consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS), relevant to the selected Focus Area(s), or have demonstrable expertise to create and administer a training program capable of developing and delivering training for a national whole community audience, relevant to the selected Focus Area(s).

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FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)-Closed January 27th, 2023. Will Reopen for FY 2024

The FEMA BRIC program makes federal funds available to states and local communities for pre-disaster mitigation activities. FEMA will provide financial assistance for the following activities:

  • Capability and Capacity-Building activities;
  • Hazard Mitigation Projects (construction) projects designed to increase resilience and public safety and reduce damage and destruction to property, and
  • Management Costs
    • Award max for local governments is $50 million federal share, match 25%. Application deadline is January 27th, 2023. For more information, click here.

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Texas Economic Development Council:

American Planning Association:

Texas Department of Agriculture:






Texas Water Development Board:


Texas Parks and Wildlife:

Texas Broadband Development Office:

Federal Communications Commission:

U.S Department of Transportation:

Federal Transit Administration:

Texas Workforce Commission:

Small Business Administration:


Department of Homeland Security:
